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Abbey Church sits at the centre of our parish in the caring community of North Berwick. We welcome new people and are keen to have you involved in our activities and to give you the opportunity to bring your talents to the community in which we live.
Abbey is a friendly family of people, with things of interest to suit all ages. Our Sunday services are Bible-based and thought-provoking. We serve the community as well as the wider world.
Abbey Church is linked with the Kirk in the nearby village of Dirleton.
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Tuesday 25th March
9:00am - 12:00pm -
Pilates with Emma - small hall
9:15am - 12:15pm -
Dirleton Playgroup - Dirleton Kirk Hall
2:00pm - 3:30pm -
TAG - large hall
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Recent events
Some information about recent events at Abbey and Dirleton
This week's intimations
Link to the latest intimations
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