Abbey Church of Scotland

North Berwick

Tel: 01620 892800
e-mail us

Door Duty & Readers

  • If you are unable to read or undertake duty and cannot find a replacement, please contact the Church Office giving as much notice as possible.
  • It is helpful if at least one office-bearer stays in the vestibule for a few minutes after the start of the service to welcome latecomers and help them find a seat if the church is particularly busy.
  • Readers are advised to adjust the microphone to their own height for maximum clarity.
  • Office-bearers should try to arrive ½ hour before service starts.
  • Please remember to check that the heaters above the doors are switched on and off.

Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated!


2 June

Miss K Campbell

Mrs F Gibson

Kate Campbell
9 June

Mr W Leslie

Mrs R Leslie

Willie Leslie

16 June

Mrs S Young

Mrs Y Strachan

Jacki Aston
23 June

Mr A Cobb

Mrs J Cobb

Andrew Cobb
30 June

Mrs J Lockhart Hunter

Miss I Smith

Isabel Smith
7 July

Mr M Brodie

Mrs I Brodie

Mrs S Burgon

Irene Brodie
14 July

A N Other

Mrs M Graham

Kirsten Swindells

21 July

Mrs D Kirkpatrick

Miss L Scott

Linda Scott
28 July

Mrs I Nichol

Mrs S Burgon

Shiela Burgon


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